Pre-contest condx

Condx came up nicely since Monday. Flux and sunspot numbers did a big jump upwards. Yesterday saw a really nice 10 m opening. I had a lot of fun running NA on 10 m for 2.5 hours continously. Even had a caller from SoCal who was a good 54 with his 100 watts and a 4 ele. QRP stations from the U.S. east coast produced solid 59 signals, even a guy running just 10 watts into a small whip from his mobile in the mid-west was a solid 57. But you know, if ten is open even a wet string will work the world. 😉 Now just keeping fingers crossed condx will make it through the weekend, too! Today was even a bit better during the day but now into the evening Aurora’s coming up again. So we’ll have to see what’s left of propagation tomorrow morning and how fast it recovers.

Our station will see two single band entries in CQ WW DX SSB this weekend. As Uwe, DL3BQA, has the choice of band this year he will go for 10 m as DMØY while I will be active as DH8BQA on 15 m then. If you hear us please give us a call. Every contact is much appreciated! Good luck everybody …

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