Well, no radio activity after ARRL-10M in mid-December until last weekend when entering the WPX-RTTY. There’s a simple reason: We were moving house again. So lots of other priorities (besides some heavy QRL as well) during the last few weeks/month’. And still not done. Due to another Covid lockdown I’m not able to shop some basic furnitures for the new office & shack room so even my work place is a temporary solution only. 😐

Temporary shack setup for last weekend’s WPX-RTTY contest.

The screen was “borrowed” from the children’s room for the weekend, some protest included. 😛 Being a 40″ TV with only HD resolution and just 60 cm distance when sitting in front of it was … well, no good solution. Pixels could be clearly seen and eyes got exhausted quite soon. But I liked the size in general so will have to look for something that size but 4K resolution then whenever I will finally be finshed with the room …

Uwe, DL3BQA, was going for a serious SOSB80 entry from our station so I had the remaining contest bands to play with remotely. Every now and then for an hour or so, depending on other duties as well as my mood. 10 m was a complete failure, 15 m only a few QSOs (and Saturday better than Sunday). 20 m was difficult, you’re simply not able to hold a run frequency with 500 watts and a 4 ele Yagi, even high in the band. 40 m was “like a bag of mosquitos”, definitely the money band and the most fun. Well, and on 80 m just 1 local QSO for the reason mentioned above. 😉 After 777 for a nice number of QSOs it was enough for me …

                    CQ WPX RTTY Contest - 2021

Call: DH8BQA

Class: SOAB HP
QTH: JO73ce
Operating Time (hrs): 22

 Band  QSOs
   80:    1
   40:  469
   20:  252
   15:   55
   10:    0
Total:  777  Prefixes = 504  Total Score = 1,415,736

Club: Bavarian Contest Club

FLEX-6600 + Elecraft KPA500 + beams & dipoles

Just a few hours for the fun of it. Temporary shack setup only
(1x1 m wooden plate for computer & monitor) after moving house.

See you in the next one!
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