Late season Sporadic-E on 2 m

Playing around on 6, 4 & 2 m this weekend but Perseids meteor shower not picking up yet. There was a big ES cloud Sunday morning with MUF up to 144 MHz above Eastern Europe but too far away to catch anything from here. The more astonished I was when suddenly Kadri, TA1D, popped up on 144.300 MHz calling CQ. A second cloud formed enabling an easy QSO into Turkey. 😎 The opening only reached into JO73 this time but Kadri could do 3 QSOs as DG1BHA & DL3BUA where QRV, too (5 and 20 km away). Did not hear any of the SP1 guys in Szczecin (40 km away) working him so really very localized! Opening ended after 10 minutes …

TA1D on 2 m Sporadic E (1744 km):

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