More ES, even on SSB ;-)

Following yesterday’s openings 2 m was hot again all day long. At times we had two or three different path’ open (Greece, Italy, Spain) in parallel. And there was some good SSB activity, too! Not to miss anything I went SO2R (Single Operator, 2 Radios): while I used my usual remote setup with the Flex plus transverter and SSPA into the 9 ele LFA for digital I also had our IC-9700 with the tube amp into the 10 ele DK7ZB connected for SSB. It certainly paid off! 😎 Not sure about G4LOH. There was some ES around at that time but it might as well have been Ionoscatter.

10:28  G4LOH         IO7ØJC   -14   -05   2 m.   FT8    ES    1378
15:46  SV1ELI        KM17XX   +08   +15   2 m.   FT8    ES    1849
15:48  IZ7UMS        JN81GD   +27   +03   2 m.   FT8    ES    1350
15:53  EA3BS         JNØ1XK   -01   +01   2 m.   FT8    ES    1595
16:05  IK7LMX        JN8ØXP    59    59   2 m.   SSB    ES    1422
16:08  ZA/IW2JOP     KMØ9AU   -01   +02   2 m.   FT8    ES    1547
16:10  SV8PEX        JM99WO   +21   +07   2 m.   FT8    ES    1570
16:16  SV8PEX        JM99WO    59    59   2 m.   SSB    ES    1570
16:28  SV8CS         KMØ7JS   -02   -12   2 m.   FT8    ES    1787
17:32  SV1BEE        KM17WX   -14   +11   2 m.   FT8    ES    1846
17:34  SV1JDY        KM18VA   +14   +27   2 m.   FT8    ES    1839
17:36  SV2JAO        KN1ØDN    59    59   2 m.   SSB    ES    1530
17:39  SV9IOQ        KM25AL    59    59   2 m.   SSB    ES    2113
17:43  SV9CVY        KM25KA    59    59   2 m.   SSB    ES    2186
17:44  Z33TI         KNØ1SI   -04   -01   2 m.   FT8    ES    1425
18:47  TA7OM         KN8ØXX   -10   -11   2 m.   FT8    ES    2235
18:50  R7RBE         KN64SM   -04   -02   2 m.   FT8    ES    1702
19:41  IT9HTV        JM76MX   -17   +14   2 m.   FT8    ES    1803

I entirely concentrated on 2 m so didn’t work much on 4 m. But from the few QSOs made 5B4AIF (KM64) and SV9CJO (KM25) are certainly worth mention. After all the spook was over it openend again late evening to GM with the usual suspects.

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