Sporadic-E on 2 m again

Not very active during the last 2 weeks. Either no condx or me being too busy with QRL stuff. Just caught two smaller 4 m openings last Sunday (June 14) to Finland in the morning and Greece in the afternoon but didn’t bother to report separately. 😉

More luck today! 2 m opened to UA4 in the morning. All in & out, not well positioned here but good enough to make a few QSOs. 😎 Later on it suddenly opened to Greece, too! Imagine how surprised I was when SV2HNH called me while still beaming to Russia. 😀 Propagation to SV was not stable either but good to catch two openings in a row. A few QSOs on 4 m afterwards, but it all remained quite patchy …

09:45  UA4AQL        LO2ØQB   -09   +04    2 m.   FT8   ES    2161
09:56  RG4A          LO2ØOD   -14   -09    2 m.   FT8   ES    2146
10:11  UA3QHF        KO91PQ   -06   +19    2 m.   FT8   ES    1699
10:34  SV2HNH        KN1ØLP   -07   -18    2 m.   FT8   ES    1542
10:48  SV1ELI        KM17XX   -05   +07    2 m.   FT8   ES    1849
10:51  SV1CNS        KM18WA   -10   -13    2 m.   FT8   ES    1842
11:23  SV2JAO        KN1ØDN   +08   +04    4 m.   FT8   ES    1530
11:27  EA6VQ         JM19MP   +12   +00    4 m.   FT8   ES    1727
11:48  SV8RV         KMØ7KS   -07   -14    4 m.   FT8   ES    1789
12:11  EA5FQS        IM99TL   +02   -09    4 m.   FT8   ES    1883
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