Tropo shifting

The high pressure system is moving to the North-East. So just one QSO to Scotland still in the morning and nothing during the day but I also had to concentrate on QRL again. 😉 In the evening it was Scandinavia then but no big distances from here. Still nice to work all the guys in Sweden and Norway and even two times Finland. Also heard ES8AJM/KO18 but he was in & out only and busy working others.

07:11  MMØOBT        IO86CC   +01   +08    2 m.  FT8     TR   1198
17:50  OH7XM         KP2ØEC   -10   -05    2 m.  FT8     TR    986
17:54  SMØWW         JO99KO   -18   -13    2 m.  FT8     TR    768
18:10  SM4ONW        JP7ØQN   -20   +10    2 m.  FT8     TR    823
18:33  SMØBSO        JO99BG   -16   -07    2 m.  FT8     TR    718
18:45  LA5AKA        JO49UC   -16   +04    2 m.  FT8     TR    714
18:48  LA1KUA        JP5ØTW   -20   -11    2 m.  FT8     TR    875
18:56  LA3BO         JO59CD   +16   +14    2 m.  FT8     TR    707
19:29  SM3LBN        JP8ØIO   -09   -03    2 m.  FT8     TR    838
19:47  SAØCCA        JO89XG   -08   -11    2 m.  FT8     TR    715
20:28  SM5FGQ        JO88BK   -11   +01    2 m.  FT8     TR    596
20:36  SMØMDG        JO99AH   -01   +09    2 m.  FT8     TR    721
20:38  SMØMLZ        JO99FM   -11   -11    2 m.  FT8     TR    751
20:40  LA3QAA        JO59IK   -19   -11    2 m.  FT8     TR    727
21:03  SMØMDG        JO99AH   +00   +11    2 m.  FT8     TR    721
21:04  LY2R          KO15KQ   -24   -13    2 m.  FT8     TR    625
21:41  OH1ND         KPØØXL   -10   +04    2 m.  FT8     TR    936
21:46  SA5ACR        JO88FR   -17   -11    2 m.  FT8     TR    632
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