A difficult new one on 6 m & OIRT on 4 m

A day off QRL so used the time to finally install our new IC-9700 at the club station. Eager to learn how it performs in heavy contest use on 2 m this weekend. 😉

Also brought along the IC-7300 for 4 m, just in case. There was some nice Sporadic-E eastwards with big OIRT signals. Unfortunately no 4 m (and 6 m) licenses in Russia else it would probably have been a fun opening. 😉 Propagation shortly shifted northwards to allow working Finland on 4 m which is quite rare from here as we’re usually too close!

Big OIRT signal centered on 70.190 MHz basically rendering the band useless!

Uwe was working intensively on 6 m again. I just had to interrupt him when JW7QIA popped up to work a new one. 😎 During the past years I was never lucky enough to catch him. The distance is quite difficult: 2.700 km is way too far for one hop ES and getting 2 hops perfectly aligned in those northern spheres is rare, too! So happy to have finally made it, one of the last needed countries on 6 m in Europe …

16:54 OH3CT          KP21GA   -03   +16    4 m.   FT8   ES    1069
17:07 OH6DX          KP32EQ   -05   +11    4 m.   FT8   ES    1272
18:06 JW7QIA         JQ68TB   +05   -01    6 m.   FT8   ES    2765
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