More new ones on 6 & 4 m :-)

I had left the IC-7300 switched on during the contest to monitor 4 m propagation as an indicator for possible 2 m ES. There was indeed an opening just not here. 🙁 When I saw EI9E/P pop up on the bandscope with an S9++ signal I couldn’t resist to give him some points, too. 😉

EI9E/P contesting via Sporadic-E on 4 m:

Also worked two new ones with 5T5PA and 9G2HO on 6 m. This is were digital works out nicely besides CW/SSB on another band in parallel. 😉 KM15 was new square on 4 m and then there was another short 5 min opening on 4 m after the contest …

10:06 EI9E/P         IO62OM    59    59    4 m.   SSB   ES    1406
10:21 5T5PA          IL1ØLW   -02   +07    6 m.   FT8   ES    4461
10:21 9G2HO          JJØ6FO   -13   -06    6 m.   FT8   ES    5326
12:26 SV9/OV3T       KM15VM   -04   -14    4 m.   FT8   ES    2102
14:08 YO7BSN         KN15PB   -03   -09    4 m.   FT8   ES    1117
14:10 LZ1ZL          KN22JD   +02   -13    4 m.   FT8   ES    1457
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