Second 2 m ES opening this year over here

High MUF across Western Europe and several ES openings on 144 MHz … all at least 400 km west or 300 km south of me, so no joy. Even difficult to catch something on 4 m but finally had a great opening to EA6. Sorrily all EA6’s on FT8 only with s9++ signals, only EA6SA being an exception, tnx CW contact, Josep! Would not have expected to work him 1,5 hours later again on 2 m. 😎

Quite a late opening on 144 MHz mainly between the U.K. and Italy and me being too close to these new ES clouds. So MUF had to climb much higher to allow QSOs on shorter path’, i.e. 1.200 km in my case to Southern France. F6EGD was not complete, weak signal and only for 2 or 3 periods. Likewise with F1JG, heard (seen) for two periods and gone. He was in again half an hour later and just long enough to complete the QSO then. Guess I worked almost all active EA6 VHFers. 😉

16:28 EA6VQ          JM19MP   +11   +05    4 m.   FT8   ES    1727
16:29 EA6SX          JM19IK   +09   +10    4 m.   FT8   ES    1760
16:38 EA6FB          JMØ8PW   +12   +12    4 m.   FT8   ES    1865
16:41 EA5TT          IM99SL   +07   -08    4 m.   FT8   ES    1887
16:44 EB5GC          IM97JX   -12   -18    4 m.   FT8   ES    2063
17:14 EA6SA          JM19LO   599   599    4 m.   CW    ES    1734
17:55 EA3BMU         JNØ1OC   -03   -18    4 m.   FT8   ES    1659
18:13 EA3EW          JNØ1OG   +08   +02    4 m.   FT8   ES    1643
18:35 F6EGD          JN24MA   -07    NC    2 m.   FT8   ES    1219
18:40 EA6VQ          JM19HN   +18   +06    2 m.   FT8   ES    1751
18:47 EA3BTZ         JN11BI    59    59    2 m.   SSB   ES    1596
18:49 EA6SA          JM19LO    59    59    2 m.   SSB   ES    1734
18:54 EA6XQ          JM19LH   +01   -07    2 m.   FT8   ES    1763
19:09 F1JG           JN23HQ   +13   -06    2 m.   FT8   ES    1268
19:11 EA3SI          JN11DN   -04   -16    2 m.   FT8   ES    1569

DK1FG & DL1NEO reported receiving (seeing) D41CV from Cap Verde on 2 m – that’s a 4.870 km path! I saw DK1FG calling him but no QSO was made. PE1CCM reported a QSO with 5T5PA on 144.174 FT8 (although I haven’t seen any confirmation of it yet). That’s a 4.000 km path, too. Probably a combination of ES + TR as there was strong tropo ducting along the West African coast line during the last days with regular QSOs between CT/EA and EA8/D4 so 5T5 would perfectly fit in. So much to still explore … 😎

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